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2024-25 Ensemble Auditions

HTHS Band Auditions for the 2024-25 school year are approaching!


All students are required to audition for placement into either Concert Band, Symphonic Band, or Wind Ensemble. ALL students are accepted into the band program, this audition is for seating and ensemble placement only. Band Directors will be helping students with the audition music in class, but students should also be independently practicing at home. Music has been passed out at school, and extra copies are available in the band room if needed. We ask that students perform as much of the etude they are comfortable playing, at whatever tempo they are comfortable performing.


Auditions will be submitted via FlipGrid, and our instructional coaches will review recordings and submit ensemble/chair placement recommendations to the band directors. Flipgrid links are available in schoology, and below.


Jazz Band auditions are only required for current HTHS students. All incoming freshman will default to the Jazz 2 class. Jazz audition materials are available in Schoology, with the same due date as concert ensemble auditions. 


Flipgrid audition videos are due by 3pm on Friday, April 26th


We are looking forward to a great year in the Hewitt-Trussville High School Band, and look forward to you all being a part of the program! If you have any questions, please let us know. 

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